Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 3, 2019

pha pass unifi control window

Here is what I did.
1) download the MongoDB from here.
2) Create a folder on the C drive ( GlennR )
3) Extract mongod.exe from the bin file into the C:GlennR folder
4) WINDOWS + R and type cmd ( ENTER )
5) cd C:/GlennR
6) mongo --port 27117
7) use ace
8) db.admin.find()
This will prompt you with all the admin account ( take the name of the account you want to reset )
9) db.admin.update( { "name" : "<UserName>" }, { $set : { "x_shadow" : "$6$QFm7NhsWnqMTkiO1$7NZiUxHwK6/ALqe5omwcR4RYv2vNkkkClvrxHu0XHzSp2XP6pWk6R.lh9E1V.y2Po5N/IYSRMB7Eicv91LwVq." } } )
Replace <UserName> with the name of the admin account
10) You can now login with your admin account and password " password "

Glenn R.